The whining and grumbling of the people of Isreal on the page seems to be unrelenting, and completely lacking in understanding with what the Lord has done, is doing, and promised to do. They are constantly guilty of looking at their current circumstance, and doubting God’s goodness and his ability to provide for them.
When reading this account it is really easy to see the shortcomings of this people. In fact it makes you wonder why God even choose them. There was certainly nothing of them that made them seem attractive or useable to God. They do not display devotion, and certainly have little to no faith in the one who has continued to prove himself, despite their hardened hearts.
They hear His commands, and immediately break them. The grumble, and blame all that is bad in their lives on God, and withhold blessings to God when they are deserved. They constantly forget their deliverance from slavery and wish to go back to it so at least they would know what to expect. They cant find joy in the wilderness because it is uncertain, even though they know and can see the Lord is with them and leading them. They look at their leaders and blame them for all of their troubles, and second-guess their instruction and guidance.
All and all the Israelites are, to put it mildly, unimpressive. Why did God choose them? They certainly had nothing to offer Him.
Am I, or we the church, really that different today? I would contend we are indeed the same people as those that found themselves in the wilderness back in the Exodus account. Sadly we fall into the same traps of complaining and grumbling, of misguided blame, and of disregard for our past and the ways the Lord has set us free and brought us to a new place with Him.
It seems clear to me the story of the exodus Israelites is recorded not only for history and accuracy, but to serve as a reminder. It is really easy to see the faults in others, and this account is not lacking in faults. So as I ponder it, and think on my life, the goal is to learn from the shortcomings of this people and not treat God as they did. My relationship with Him does nto need to be as contentious as theirs. I can recall the ways the Lord has blessed me, and marvel in them. I do not need to concern myself with my location or surroundings or circumstance, and instead thank the Lord for what he has brought me from. I can remember his commands on my life and his prescription for faithful living. God choose to use these Israelites as a testament to himself and a reminder for all generations of how He can and does use and bless people undeserving of Him. I know I fall into that same category, so instead of grumbling, I will rejoice.
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