

Last year, the Lord laid on my heart the need to extend grace and peace to others.  I am quite sure I did not do a great job of it, but am quite thankful that I was continually reminded of the need.  Within the reminders, I am sure the Lord extended grace and peace through me despite myself.  Last year’s challenge is not gone, in fact, as I find myself at this new year, I find myself needing to extend those gifts from above all the more. It seems to me the Lord had very straightforward and simple things to teach me last year, and it would be a good thing to put them down somewhere in order to return to them.  They are as follows:

The Lord is after my joy.  He is not out to get me, or make me miserable, or withhold blessings.  His true desire is to bless me in the optimal way…which is often not the way I may choose to be blessed, but is better nonetheless.

Waiting on the Lord for blessings is not something that finds itself completed when we want it.  This is certainly an obvious truth, but I had always thought of that in the short term.  The Lord showed me this year that often his vision and plan are far more time intense then what I would hope for.  The reason for this is a mystery to me, but I know I must remain committed to the calling, despite my doubt the blessing will come.

Redeem the time.  We are called to be a peculiar people, and be wholly focused on the Lord, and his plan, and his workings, and his desire to draw all men unto himself.  Within my relationships I need to keep that truth in mind.

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