
Saftey Following God’s Will.

In response to 1 Samuel 18-20

I have heard it said, and even said myself, the safest place to be is in the center of God’s will.  I actually don’t think that is true.  The best place, the blessed place, the useful place, the challenging place, the growing place, the called to place is the center of God’s will.  But safety is not something to be ensured by following God.

This can be seen throughout scripture and martyrdom.  This section of scripture describing David’s life and tumultuous relationship with Saul is case and point.  Here is where God placed him.  And in the middle of this placement, he finds the ruler of the country seeking his destruction because the blessings of the Lord on him are obvious.  And to make matters worse, God sends a “harmful spirit from the Lord” to Saul [19.9]. 

So, here is David, seeking hard after the Lord, and running for his life.  It is sometimes too easy to look at this story, and knowing the final outcome to not feel the weight of this moment.  Since we know all works together for God’s will and purpose, and we have the account of the rest of David’s life, we can see how God is weaving the situations together to glorify himself through David in his kingship and leadership of his people.  But here in this moment of David, it must have felt dangerous and all together confusing.

Don’t we too find ourselves in these situations?  Following after the Lord, but confused by the situations raging around us.  How difficult can it be to rest in the knowledge that ultimately all will work to glorify the Lord?  How we hope for safety.  Do we do so at the cost of calling and blessing?

Lord, grant me the perspective of your plan and will.  Divorce me from my myopic view of life’s situations.  Marry me to your will and purpose.  Continue to teach me to die to self, so I may be found alive and well pleasing to you.  May I be involved in the work you are already doing.

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