
House Church #1. The Real Jesus. Humanity AND Divinity.

The Humanity.

TAKE 1.  Born and lived.  Luke 2v51-52.  Can you imagine Jesus learning?  Luke 4v1-2.  What is the significance of having a God who can relate to us?  Mark 1v35.  If he prayed, and in the morning nonetheless, what should that mean for us? John 11v33-36.  What does Jesus being deeply moved in the spirit and troubled mean for us?  Matthew 26v36-38.  What does this say to us about the closeness of a brotherhood?

TAKE 2.  Resurrected and ascended.  Luke 24v36-43.  Why did Jesus take back on a physical body?   1.  Example:  1 John 2v1-6.  Can we walk as he walked?  2.  Solidarity:  Hebrews 2v14-18.  A God who can relate.  This is the answer to the before mentioned.  3.  Worship:  Philippians 2v5-11.  “If this is true. If Jesus gave up absolute, total freedom as divinity in heaven, and he “made himself nothing” and he “humbled himself” and he “became obedient to death”, we should worship. We should bow down, in humility, and glorify him with all we are.“

The Divinity.

EXAMPLES:  Mark 2v1-12.  Do we find ourselves on the mat asking God for more than the forgiveness of our paralyzing sins?  John 8v51-59.  No questions here, just an amazing story of proclamation.  John 10v24-33.  Do we know the Sheppard’s voice? Mark 4v35-41.  “Moral teachers don’t boss around hurricanes.”  Luke 24v1-8.  He comes back from the dead.  Why didn’t anyone dispute it?

RESPONSES: John 20v24-29. Doubt.  Thomas.  Jesus was okay with his doubt, why do we often think we need to have it all figured out?  Luke 23v33-37 or 43.  There are the “unbelievers” (both religious and pagans) who don’t buy the claims of Jesus.  His response is Forgiveness. Luke 4v33-35 + 40-41.  The demons have good theology, and are not saved. Mark 9v14-27.  Weak faith.  Doesn’t Jesus still do his work, and the man’s faith was sure to grow because of what he saw.

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